Sunday, 18 November 2012

Problem challenge

Constable Julie: teaching us about smoking

This is a photo of Constable Julie showing us what smoking can do to our lungs.

Some of my favorite words of wisdom

'A person who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes, but a person who doesn't may be a fool forever'.

I like this one the most because it has made me realize that if I don't speak up, I will be the fool forever.

'Life is not fair, get used to it!'.

I like this one because you can't expect everything to go your way. Life just can't always be fair.

'Like attracts like'.

This one really is true because people that like bullying and stealing are going to hang out with people that bully and steal. But in my case I like to be around people that are nice and want to achieve and so I hang out with people like that. Such as Emily Garden.

My time in the DARE program

DARE program,

 I thought that the DARE program was a lot of really fun and educational experience. I enjoyed spending time with Constable Julie, she was always nice and really funny. My favorite part of the DARE program was the games and the dances. Because they were lots of fun. DARE really made me more aware of drugs. I have learnt that drugs and alcohol can harm our bodys and once you take drugs about three times you can get addicted. But not only was the DARE program about drugs, it was about being more confident as well. The DARE program has made me more confident and now I do ‘participate in the game of life’. So thank you Constable Julie for all that you have done for me.

By Kirrin.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

DARE to make a choice

This term for three weeks, all of the senior school is doing DARE program. This program is about drugs and how to resist them. So far in the DARE program we have done some worksheets about Drugs and our lives. Today we had Constable Julie come to talk to us about the program. We had a talk about what we know about drugs, what types of drugs there are and what we want to learn in the DARE program. We did three worksheets with her and learnt a saying. 'A person who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes but a person who doesn't may be a fool forever.

By Kirrin

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Asstle writing test

This is my writing and brainstorm from my writing test.

Next steps:
Focus on the purpose of the task,
Complex punctuation,

What I am doing well:

Great structure,
Good bones.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Lichtenstein art

This is my calendar art in the style of Lichtenstein art

Lichtenstein's art:

My art:

Ignore the gray paint on the painting. Someone elses wet paint went on the photocopier.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Dear Abby Letter

This letter is from Romeo's perspective asking Abby for help.

Dear Abby,

I have a problem where I am not sure what to do because I have been sent away from all the people I love. You see, in Verona there are two main families; the Montagues and the Capulets. Both families have deep hatred of each other. I come from the Montagues and have fallen head over heels in love with a Capulet. Her name is Juliet and I know that it was love at first sight. My Juliet and I loved each other. So then we secretly got married the next day. After that her cousin Tybalt killed my friend Mercutio so I then killed Tybalt for revenge. Then I got banished from Verona for killing him. Now I do not know what to do with my life. I am living just on the outskirts of Verona in misery because I am not with my Juliet. I do not want to leave because this is the closest I can get to my wife.

Please help,

Dear Miserable, 

I would first like to say that killing Tybalt wasn’t the best thing to do even if he killed your friend but whats done is done. I hope that you have made the right choice marrying Juliet so early. Anyway I have come up with two ideas for you. Firstly I think that if you really love Juliet that much, you should be with her. Because of the families hatred, I don’t think you will ever be able to live together in peace when you are near Verona. If you are willing to leave everything behind for Juliet then maybe you could live together somewhere far away from Verona. Then your family won’t disturb you.  My second option is maybe you could live where you are now and every so often Juliet could come to see you. I really hope that one of these options will be helpful.

Best of luck,

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Book review

The book I am reviewing is Hoot by Carl Hiaasen.

Hoot is about a boy called Roy who has moved from Montana to Florida. He gets bullied by Dana Matherson but if Dana had not pressed Roys head against the bus window, Roy would never have seen a strange boy running barefooted.

The story is basically a question. Will Roy meet the boy?

My favorite part so far has been when Beatrice the Bear tells Roy she knows the barefooted kid because he is her brother.

I would recommend this book to people who like mystery. Hoot is a very good book and is a great read. I rate it so far a 8/10.

Buddy Time

Every Friday my class goes to see our Buddies in Room 5. I share a Buddy with my friend Emily. Our Buddy's name is Lucy. I really enjoy my time with Lucy because she is so nice and is always eager to see me. During Buddy time we do many different things. Last time I went we did their portfolios. We also read to them, do Jump Jam with them, help them with their spelling and if we are lucky, art. I sometimes find it hard to control Lucy because she is a very independent girl. But despite that, Buddy time is always a look forward to.

Maths sample

This is a recent basic facts test that I did. I recently moved to the top maths class so my booklet is different to the others. My record is to do one hundred equations with a time of 2:43.

Handwriting sample

This is an example of some handwriting that I did earlier today. Olivia Seymour and me marked my work.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Science fair


What is best for removing stains, washing detergent or home solutions?

I decided to do this experiment to see which removal product works best. I started to think to think which stain removers I could use when I thought of what they did in the 1900s. They used home solutions. So I looked through Aunt Daisys book of handy hints and found the coffee stain remover and then my project had really begun.


My hypothesis is that the washing detergent will be better because the washing detergent might work better on dry stains. The home solution will probably not work as good.

Planning a fair test:

Unfortunately, I have to change two factors.
The two factors I am going to change are:

1.The type of stain remover:
Aunt Daisys stain remover
Surf Washing detergent

2.The recipes for:
The home solution recipe
The Washing detergent recipe

The factors I am going to keep are:

1. The size of the material
2. The type of material
3. The amount of coffee spilt on the material
4. The amount of time left to soak
5. The amount of time left to dry
6. The amount of water and Glycerine


The result were that the Surf was slightly better than the Glycerine.

Surf material:

Sight: The material was really close to having removed the stain completely.
Smell: The smell is completely gone.
Feel: The normal material is softer than it.

Glycerine material:

Sight: Looks like it is halfway from finishing.
Smell: Slight coffee smell.
Feel: It feels wet.


My data tells me that Modern Technology (Surf) was better than the Old Solution (Glycerine). The Surf  
was slightly better than the Glycerine

What is the Carbon Cycle?

You are probably wondering what is Carbon? What do we have to do with the Carbon Cycle? And where can we find it? Here is where you can find your answers. The Carbon Cycle is made up of many different parts. Some being Respiration and Photosynthesis. Carbon can be found anywhere. Some things store it (Plants, humans, animals, rocks, trees, shells and fossil fuels), some make oxygen (Trees and plants) and some (Lakes, rivers and the ocean) dissolve it.

When you breath out you remove oxygen from the air. When you breath out, you release Carbon Dioxide into the air. But not only you, animals and fish do it too. But plants and trees help us turn the Carbon Dioxide back to oxygen. Plants take in Carbon Dioxide and release oxygen. Trees do the same and they both store Carbon Dioxide too.

Photosynthesis is how we get clean air. Land plants and trees are a part of the photosynthesis process, but under the water, ocean animals and plants are doing their part in the photosynthesis process too. Like I said before, Carbon Dioxide gets dissolved in water. Ocean plants store the dissolved Carbon Dioxide and when the ocean animals eat the plants they get some of that Carbon Dioxide to store too. Ocean plants also turn the dissolved Carbon Dioxide back into oxygen. Some sea creatures even use Carbon to make their shells and when they die, their shells dissolve again.

When a plant or a animal dies it releases all of the Carbon it has stored in its life. Then wherever it's left, it starts to decompose and slowly become part of the soil beneath it. After a long period of time the decomposed plants or animals compact and could become fossil fuels. Such as Coal, Oil or Gas.

Humans make a lot of Carbon Dioxide. Did you know we breath at least five litres of air a minute ! Thats a lot of Carbon Dioxide! But there are lots of other things we do that produce Carbon. Like when we burn trees, use cars or have factories. They all produce Carbon. Also we when we die we release all of the Carbon we have stored.

In conclusion, the Carbon Cycle is very important to the way we live. But it is not just us that makes Carbon, so even if humans never existed, there would still be a Carbon Cycle.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Parihaka poem

Angry fires are surrounding me,
Fast burning the walls of my comforting home,
My parents have abandoned me, I’m all alone in this painful 
And unfair world,
What have I done to deserve this torture?
These poor conditions and destruction?
I have no delicious food of refreshing water,
Surrounded by emotional people who are dying of diseases 
And starvation,
I wait for Te Whiti and Tohu to finish this war,
I smell the blood, I hear the screams,
Parihaka is filled with awful terror,
I know that the only thing that I can do is wait for death to 
Come for me,
By Kirrin.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Drew Cullen Biography

Drew Cullen Biography

Drew David Kelly Cullen was born on the 31st of March 2000 in Wellington, NZ. His Mum is called Joanna Kelly and his Dad is called Simon Cullen. He also has a younger half sister, Hazel. In 2002 Joanna and Simon split up and Drew and his Mum left their house in Brooklyn and moved to Eastbourne.

When Drew was three, he started going to Barnardos. At Barnardos Drew built robots out of cardboard boxes that his Dad gave him and played lego. One day at lunchtime, Drew was talking to one of the caregivers at Barnardos and Drew told her that his babysitter was his Mum. “I would only do that once, twice would be to embarrassing” says Drew. From the age of four, Drew began to love soccer. His inspiration was a soccer player called Alan and his Dad. Eight years have passed and still his love of soccer remains.

After Barnardos, Drew went to Muritai Primary School. During Drews fourth year at Muritai he got in a fight with his friend Isaac. The fight started when Drew accused his friend for having to put his dog Forest down. The teacher ended the fight and Drew had to see the Principal everyday for two weeks. Drews happiest moment at school was doing three maths tests in year six on the same day and getting them all correct.

The most important event that ever happened to Drew was seeing his family from England. The first family member he saw from England was his Great Grandmother. Drew has met many other members of his family from England but to him that was the most special.

Currently, Drew is a year 8 in Muritai Intermediate. He is still living in Eastbourne and sees his Dad every two weeks. When Drew is older, he wants to be a football star but for now he will just have to play for Eastbourne and work his way up to super stardom.

By Kirrin

Monday, 26 March 2012

Te Whiti Biography

                              Te Whiti Biography
Te Whiti-o-Rongomai was born in 1830 in Ngamoto, Taranaki. He was born very close to the second siege of Pukerangiora. His father was Tohukakahi and his mother was Rangiawau. Tohukakahi was a minor chief in the Ati Awa tribe. Te Whiti attended Riemenschneiders Mission School at Warea, where he excelled in bible studies. During his time in Mission School he became a very spiritual man. After Te Whiti finished school, he set up a flour mill in Warea. Then many years later, the Europeans burnt down the village where he was born in so Te Whiti moved his settlement the following year to                    
By 1870, the biggest village in the country was Parihaka with approximately one thousand and three hundred people. For many years Europeans were living peacefully with the Maori but in 1881 the Europeans started to punish the Maori unfairly and take away their land. Te Whiti and Tohu Kakahi were the leaders of the Parihaka movement and started to protest peacefully.They would not let anyone use arms or fight back because they believed in non-violence. Both men ran monthly meetings and in one of the meetings two European government officials came. An hour later Te Whiti and Tohu were put in jail.

While Te Whiti was in prison the Europeans continued to take what wasn’t theirs. They destroyed all houses and crops. They killed all horses, cattle and pigs and many girls and women got Syphilis because they were raped. Te Whiti was in jail until 1888. Te Whiti’s wife died, days before he was released. When he was released, he wasn’t allowed to return to Parihaka for his wife's funeral. But when Te Whiti did return to Parihaka, everything was over. Nineteen years of punishment had ended.
During 1907 many leaders of Parihaka died. One of them was Te Whiti. He died on the 18th of November but his story will stay around forever.
Te Whiti was a very important man. He changed the future of Parihaka and the power of the Europeans. I think Te Whiti is very inspirational because he didn’t fight back with guns or other weapons. He just stood up for what he thought was right and never gave up.
By Kirrin. 

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Goal setting

Goal setting:

Term 1 goals:

Literacy goal: Reading through my work to make sure that there are no mistakes.

Maths goal: Work on my fractions. I need to increase any basic understandings.

General goal: Be more organised for school. I need to pack my bag the night before.

Term 2 goals:

Same as above.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Cecilia Russel artwork

Cher Lloyd biography

                      Cher Lloyd                       

Cher Lloyd. Singer, songwriter, model and actor. She was one of the many talented people on X Factor. Cher was born on the 28th of July 1993 in Malvern, Worcestershire U.K. She is almost nineteen years old. She has a Mum, Diana and a Dad, Darren. She also has three younger siblings. Josh, Rosie and Sophie. She has a dog, Barbie but she wants a pet turtle too.
Darren and Diana sent Cher to Dyson Perrenis, CE Sports Collage. Where she studied preforming arts which helped her in her later life. Personally, we think that if she did not go  to the Sports Collage, she might not have gotten in to the top twelve in X Factor. 
In 2010, Cher entered X Factor.She made it into the top twelve. But while she was in training at boot camp, she suffered from tonsillitis and was not able to complete her song that she chose (Cooler than me). But her mentor Cheryl Cole, sent her to be in the top twelve anyway.
During her time on X Factor, she sang:
Just be good to me,
Hard knock life,
No diggity/Shout,
Empire state of mind,
Sorry seems to be the hardest word/Mocking bird,
Stay (again),
Walk this way,
Nothing on you,
Love the way you lie,
The clapping song/Get your freak on,
Where is the love/I gotta feeling.
Sadly in 2010 she got eliminated from X Factor and came fourth due to lack of public votes. But still she continued to sing. She started to make an album called Sticks and stones. Cher released her album on the 7th of November 2011. In the first week of being on sale, it sold 55,668 copies.
Cher likes raps and rappers so she put some into her songs like in With your love and Want you back. In her album Sticks and stones the songs are:
Grow up,
I can’t stand the rain,
Over the moon,
Dub on the track,
End up here,
I don’t want to be a joke,
Swagger jagger.
Right now, she's living with her boyfriend in London. She is living a happy life, not wanting to be a celebrity but just a normal person. When we think of Cher, we think of some of the things we can learn from her like:
1.You can do anything if you try
2.Have a go or you’ll never know what could have been
3.Don’t let the sad things bring you down.
By Kirrin and Emily. 

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

The letter to the Board

Room 22
Muritai Road
Dear Board of Trustees and Mr Bird,
Hello, my name is Kirrin Robinson. I am a new pupil at Muritai and I am writing to you to request new desks for Room 22. 
Firstly, we don’t have tote trays under our desks. At San Antonio we had furniture with tote trays underneath them. But here it is different. Every time we need to get books or stationery from our trays at the back of the room, all of Room 22 has to get up. We all would prefer either having desks with tote trays or having desks that lift up. So then all of us can get our required stationery faster and easier.
Secondly, our desks have been damaged and graffitied on. All of us in Room 22 want our classroom to look smarter. But unfortunately our desks don’t make our classroom look smarter, but some nice coloured, good quality desks would.
Thirdly, the trays we have now could be used somewhere else. Like the resource room. It is in a state! Our trays could be used to store paintbrushes, paint, glue e.t.c. So then Room 22 gets desks and the resource room gets trays. Don’t you think that is a good idea?
Lastly, Room 22 will keep the desks in an excellent condition.
So lets Make It Happen!
Yours Sincerely,
Kirrin Robinson